There Are Many Ways to Lend a Helping Hand
The Circle of Hearts is a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) registered charity non-profit group run entirely by volunteers. It would be impossible to run our events without their help. Time can be just as valuable as money, and we are always in need of an extra helping hand.
By volunteering, you donate your time and skills as well as having the opportunity to build your social circles while reaping the physical, mental and spiritual benefits from the labor you contribute to your favorite cause.
The strength of our heart families and of Circle of Hearts depends on you, the volunteer.
Whether volunteering for you means helping at one our events, or perhaps you own a business and would like to offer your services, the Circle of Hearts would welcome your help gratefully!

We are transparent and committed to being accountable, accessible and responsive. That means working with integrity for the benefit of our heart family community.
We are a local organization and your donation supports our Circle of Hearts programs and activities.
All Board positions are volunteer positions. This means administrative costs are quite minimal, so most of your donations go directly towards helping heart families.
Most people support a charity that has hit them personally. If you or a loved one have been affected by someone who struggles with a heart defect, please consider taking a few moments to support our cause through the following ways. As a CRA Registered Charity, all donors will receive a tax receipt for their support.
Donate through our CanadaHelps page:
Donations can also be sent as email-based money transfers (e-Transfers) to Please provide your name and mailing address, and Circle of Hearts will issue a charitable tax receipt for your donation.
Donations are also accepted by cheque, payable to:
Circle of Hearts Family Support Network
c/o HSC Winnipeg Travis Price Children’s Heart Centre
JM476 – 820 Sherbrook Street
Winnipeg, MB R3A 1R9
Canada Revenue Agency Registered Charity #:
874169105 RR0001